Meet Chris!

Chris Hatchett, CPC

Ever since I was knee-high to a grasshopper, I've been the kind of kid who couldn't help but ask "why" about everything under the sun. It's like my brain was hardwired to question the universe, especially the crazy circus we call human behavior. Psychology? Man, that stuff was like crack to me. I was hooked, line and sinker. But as life loves to do, it tossed me into the bizarre world of TV and commercial production. Yet, through all that, I couldn't ditch this nagging feeling that I was meant to help people dodge the crap life flings their way.

Zoom ahead a few decades, and you'd find me doing laps in the dating pool, gathering a treasure trove of what-the-hell moments and lessons learned. Before I knew it, I became the unofficial agony uncle for my friends, doling out advice on love and all its headaches. They all thought, "Chris has been dragged through every mud puddle in the love garden; he's gotta have some golden nuggets of wisdom, right?" Well, sometimes!

That itch to help? It turned into a full-blown passion of mine. So, a buddy and I decided to stir the pot with "The Ugly Truth About Dating" podcast. We dived into the messy, laughable, and sometimes downright ugly truths of modern romance, not holding back on our own triumphs and face plants. And you know what? People actually listened. At our peak, we had listeners tuning in from six of the seven continents on the planet! People seemed to enjoy the rollercoaster with us. But as fate would have it, the show fizzled out when my partner in crime had to jet off and chase her own dreams. That left me, still burning with this desire to be the lighthouse in the fog of life's chaos. Enter “Bondfire”.

I always laugh when someone refers to me as their "Guru" , but all bs aside—I'm no wizard with a magic wand ready to poof away your troubles. What I am is a dude who's immersed himself in research and the academic waters of coaching and come out the other side ready to dive deep with you, to flip your perspective and shake the dust off your relationships.

But let's get one thing straight—I'm not in the business of blowing smoke up anyone's ass. If you're hunting for a yes-man or someone to listen to you blame everyone in your orbit and refuse to take a deeper inward look, you've barked up the wrong tree. I'm here to cut through the crap, to forge real talk and guide you towards a life and love that doesn't just survive but thrives.

So, what's the deal with Bondfire? It's simple, really. It's about igniting those life-changing sparks, cultivating a zen garden inside you, and finding that kind of love that sticks around, rain or shine. It's for the wanderers, the lost souls seeking a beacon back to solid ground, in their hearts or their relationships.

If that's music to your ears, I'm your guy. Let's get this conversation started.

Much love,


Chris is an accredited IAPRC member and certified Life + Relationship Coach.

Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it!

Let’s talk!

Schedule your FREE 30 minute chat with me today!